For most people all over the world, the year doesn’t seem to be going as planned in many ways. It is no news that the existence of man has been tortured by this new pandemic which is ravaging the world and has claimed thousands of lives, thereby rendering traumatic havoc on people in diverse ways. Daily, we wake up with a burning desire to hear that a cure has been discovered or the virus has miraculously vanished. But then, reality stares at us in the face every moment. As each day passes, new cases are recorded in numbers. Of a truth, the end isn’t near for us, we fear for the worst every day; however, it is a well-known fact that whatsoever has a beginning must have an end. In other words, tough times don’t last forever. This thus factualizes our earnest hope of seeing an end to this pandemic.

This pandemic has led us into staying indoors compulsorily. Certainly, most people will use covid’19 as an excuse for achieving little or nothing this year. It may interest you to know that despite all the negativity that comes with this pandemic, one can still make something good out of it in several ways, no matter how little or insignificant it may seem. Having gathered several opinions and positive responses from people, below are some of the ways in which this period has been beneficiary to many:

To start with, the ‘sit at home’ order which was promulgated due to the ongoing pandemic has aided many in discovering a better purpose in life and make suitable strategic plans towards a better future. Many have testified to having more time for themselves without having to go through their hectic daily routine and this has provided an avenue for them to think deeper, weigh all their achievements in life so far, discover the loopholes and think of ways to improve themselves.

Also, this period provided many with the opportunity to strengthen family bond. As we know, most parents spend a better part of their day outside their homes, all in a bid to cater for family needs. Hence, many people have little or no time to spend with their family and this has affected many homes negatively. Due to the compulsory ‘sit at home’ order by the government, many families have strengthened the bond they share. Parents with busy schedules now have the opportunity to spend quality time with their children. An interviewee rightly pointed out:

“Honestly, it has been more of a blessing to me and my family 
because we have time to bond, get on each other nerves, apologize, 
love and understand each other more and most importantly, get
closer to God. We have learnt to cherish every moment we spend
together as a family and live happily”- Anonymous.

Furthermore, this period has given many the opportunity to acquire several skills which will add to their growth. Others have used it as an avenue to undergo online courses to help in building their CV’s and also increase their knowledge reservoir. In the same light, most people have discovered capabilities in them they never knew existed. Others are building up their passion and trying new things, all in a bid to be better people, and this has helped generally in imbibing a hygienic lifestyle. Certainly, after all these come to and end, people will adopt the habit of washing and sanitizing their hands regularly. Cleanliness they say is next to Godliness and so, many have been forced to take their health seriously knowing fully well that a weak system has a slim chance of winning against the virus. In essence, it has resulted to a healthy living.


When life gives you lemons, what do you do? Make lemonades! This is to encourage optimism and positivity in the midst of adversity. Tough times will always come but doesn’t last forever, life isn’t always a smooth ride. The Novel Corona Virus as a pandemic has crippled the world in so many ways, it is way beyond our control and yet, many people still maximize this opportunity to make the best out of everything. Remember! Complaining and drowning in wishes and regrets everyday won’t change the situation at hand. Strive towards surviving this pandemic as a better person.

NB: Do you feel you’ve witnessed a positive effect of the ongoing pandemic? Please, do well to share with us in the comment section. Encourage and motivate someone!

Written by Marvellous Eze


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  2. Wonderful piece dear. The pandemic has been an eye opener for me… and at the same time it has slow few things down… But I Thank God for the gift of life.. It will soon pass…#F.W

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